Welcome to the SAIF-Church Foreign Workers Ministry LOVE IN ACTION page. We are a small independent Church with a BIG heart for the foreign workers and domestic maids in Singapore.
If you feel led to give to SAIF-Church’s Foreign Workers Ministry LOVE IN ACTION Community Projects, please contact Pastor Pritam Singh at 90094494 for further information.
These Foreign Workers Ministry LOVE IN ACTION Community Projects are always ongoing throughout the year. Most of these donated items like pre-loved clothes, canned foods, noodles, fruits, dairy products, biscuits, chocolates etc are donations in kind to the Church from various sources and companies. For specific SAIF-Church projects, things are bulk purchased from wholesalers from donations received.
Most of the low or semi-skilled Indian and Bangladeshi foreign workers earn between $18 to $22 a day for a whole day of exhausting, hard work under the sun or in uncomfortable hot environments. Almost all of these foreign workers are also hugely indebted to unscrupulous agents or bank/family loans back in their home countries.

“Give Generously To The Poor And Do So Without A Grudging Heart, Then Because Of This The Lord Your God Will Bless You In All Your Work And In Everything You Put Your Hand To. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE POOR PEOPLE IN THE LAND. Therefore. I Command You To Be Openhanded Toward Your Fellow Israelites Who Are Poor And Needy In Your Land.” – Deuteronomy 15:10-11
“Long Ago I Gave These Commands To My People: ‘You Must See That Justice Is Done, And Must Show Kindness And Mercy To One Another. Do Not Oppress Widows, Orphans, FOREIGNERS WHO LIVE AMONG YOU, OR ANYONE ELSE IN NEED.” – Zechariah 7:9
“THOSE WHO GIVE TO THE POOR WILL LACK NOTHING, But Those Who Close Their Eyes To Them Receive Many Curses.” – Proverbs 28:27
We thank God for the partnership of many individuals, Churches and companies to bless SAIF-Church’s Foreign Workers Ministry LOVE IN ACTION Community Projects.
We have been doing this humble work for 14 years till the present time now. It’s All God. All Glory To God Most High.
Dear Friends,
On this day, the 22nd of May 2020, I celebrate my 56th Birthday and I am honoured to use this time to make a request and appeal to my Church, family and friends to bless the Foreign Workers in Singapore.
7000 Love In Action SAIF-Church Hygiene Care Packs

1. I humbly write this appeal to help break the weakest link in the Covid-19 situation in Singapore among the Foreign Workers.
2. The situation is complex and dire among some factory converted dormitories and purpose built dormitories as many of you are aware.
3. South Asian International Fellowship, UEN T08SS0016G, a small local Church in Singapore serving primarily the Tamil, Telugu, Hindi/Punjabi and some Bangladeshi foreign workers headed by Pastor Pritam Singh is initiating the LOVE IN ACTION SAIF-Church Hygiene Care Packs. These 7000 Care Packs will be given to foreign workers regardless of their country of origin, race or religion.
4. Each Hygiene Care Pack will contain a washable mask, a bar of soap, a bag of washing detergent, a toothbrush, a toothpaste, 3 strips of oreo biscuits and 5 tea sachets. Each LOVE IN ACTION SAIF-Church Hygiene Care Pack costs $6.00
5. We plan to give out 7000 Hygiene Care Packs costing $42,000 as a start. This is our little contribution to the present real need. There are slightly over 313,000 foreign workers in Singapore. We will prepare more Hygiene Care Packs if more funds come in.
6. WHY THESE HYGIENE CARE PACKS? Foreign Workers have enough donated clothes. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are donated or catered from various caterers, restaurants, NGO’s or the company itself. They are NOT ALLOWED TO COOK OR GO OUTSIDE DURING THIS COVID-19 LOCKDOWN PERIOD to physically distance all of them. Most of them are in strict Stay At Dormitories Lockdown, in Quarantine or in Isolation. Many of these foreign workers have been asking for these things to clean their hands, clothes and to protect themselves. They look forward to tea and biscuits also.
7. Foreign workers have done so much for Singapore sacrificially and selflessly. The very places you live in and your immediate beautiful surroundings have been built and maintained by the blood and sweat of these foreign workers.
8. Prayerfully Consider Giving Generously. The time to give is NOW. Join us in giving back to society. The NEED IS URGENT AND IMMEDIATE FOR HYGIENE THINGS LIKE THESE.
9. My Giving Is A Small Act Of Kindness Which Will Touch Lives and Glorify God. YES, I Will Give.
UOB Bank
South Asian International Fellowship
*Current Account: 318-301-876-9*
*PayNow Corporate: T08SS0016G*
DBS Bank
South Asian International Fellowship
*Current Account: 017-905807-4*
*PayNow Corporate: T08SS0016G*
Write Cheques to:
South Asian International Fellowship
Post Cheques to Mailing Address:
Blk 681A, #13-94,
Jurong West Central 1
Singapore 641681
All monies received will be accountable and acknowledged with a receipt. Please text me your address at 90094494 if you require a receipt of your giving, unless you want to give anonymously. If giving by e-transfer, please add a note “Love In Action Care Packs.”
10. *This is Foreign Worker Sponsorship Appeal by:
South Asian International Fellowship
Contact: Pastor Pritam Singh
#If, possible, FORWARD this appeal to your friends or contacts WHO KNOW ME and mobilize them to help. A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU. This A Community Initiative By SAIF-Church And Their Friends And Is A Private Collection.
#You can follow me on Facebook at Pritam Singh Sandhu (image of a family of 4 in red, green and orange) and follow how your giving is impacting lives. THE TIME TO HELP THE FOREIGN WORKERS and MAKE A DIFFERENCE IS NOW.