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Tamil Service


SAIF Church Tamil Service Singapore

Sunday 4.00PM – 5.30PM

The SAIF-Church Tamil Ministry began as a ground-breaking pioneering work at the Jalan Papan workers dormitory on 21st March 2011. The Tamil Church Service is fully conducted in the Tamil language. Bala and Paulene are in charge of this Tamil Ministry with the full support of South Asian International Fellowship.

The Tamil Church Singapore of South Asian International Fellowship meets every Sunday from 7.30 – 9.30pm for a dynamic time of Tamil Welcome, Worship, Word, Works and Witness. We welcome all Tamil speaking people in Singapore to join us for this Tamil Church Service. Come and be blessed by God.

The Tamil Church Singapore of SAIF-Church began as a Tamil Ministry / Tamil Fellowship and is a beyond boundaries blessing to Singapore and the nations.


Migrant Worker Outreach

In addition, South Asian International Fellowship Hindi-Punjabi, Telugu and Tamil Ministry has a focused targeted weekly evangelistic ministry to the migrant workers, students and domestic helpers or maids of Hindi-Punjabi, Telugu and
Tamil origin in Singapore.

The bulk of migrant workers in Singapore are young blue-collar shipyard and construction workers between the ages of 20-40 years old. Most of these workers are very needy financially and are extremely open to the Good News of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Most of these workers are exploited by multi-level agents and labour supply companies and earn very little for a full day’s work of hard labour. It may surprise you that many of these workers earn between $500
to $800 dollars a month for six or even seven days hard labour with many hours of overtime included under very hard and difficult working conditions. We humbly invite you to partner with us as we bless these Hindi-Punjabi, Telugu and Tamil foreign workers or students in our midst with physical and spiritual food. The biblical mandate is to love and minister the foreigners [or strangers or aliens] in our midst who are the unsung heroes of Singapore’s economic progress. This mandate is a foundational tapestry of love woven through the Old and New Testaments.